About PubPub
PubPub, the flagship project of the Knowledge Futures Group, launched in 2017. The open source platform supports dozens of peer-reviewed scholarly journals and books from university and society-based publishers, and nearly a thousand grassroots publications created and maintained by individual scholars and academic departments. PubPub socializes the process of knowledge creation by integrating conversation, annotation, and versioning into short and long-form digital publication.
If you have worked on, are currently working on, or intend to work on research related to the coronavirus epidemic and would like to make a submission, please follow the below instructions.
1. Recording your Video
Please address a specific finding or point of research.
- State your name, affiliations, discipline, and country.
- Discuss the relevant knowledge you have gained or hope to gain through your work, including methodology and scientific approaches.
- Make suggestions resulting from your conclusions or observations. If possible, please also include who would find this work most pertinent (other areas of research or ongoing work, potential collaborations).
- Mention 3 to 5 references, including your own. Please offer enough information (author names, publication year, journal title, article title) for the reference to be discoverable by our team. If possible add the respective doi in the submission form.
- State that you consent to sharing this recording under a CC-BY license.
2. Submitting your recording
Please use this form. Be sure to fill out all required fields and upload your recording. If you have any questions or trouble, please email: info@africarxiv.org
Please read our guidelines before you submit, ensure that you comply with the checklist and provide all necessary information in your manuscript.
3. What to expect
After successfully submitting your recording, you can expect to hear back from us within 5 working days.
If accepted, your submission will be transcribed and relevant references added. The audio/visual file will be posted online to the AfricArXiv PubPub collection with a Crossref DOI and CC BY 4.0 attribution license.. The text file will be uploaded to one of AfricArXiv’s partner platforms (OSF, ScienceOpen, or Zenodo).
We will add AI/machine translations of the text to 2-3 other languages if you indicate any in your submission and especially if certain languages are important to include due to regional context.
In case of any problems, questions or concerns, email: info@africarxiv.org
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