Here we list collaboration opportunities you can join by discipline or generally for international exposure.
To add another collaboration program email us at

The AphrikeResearch is a database and networking portal that provides a centralised platform for information that:
- profiles and records African scientists, students and research managers in order to promote intra Africa collaboration and interventions for SDG realisation
- makes easy identification of collaborators, mentors and funding opportunities
- profile funders (specific fields/priorities/countries)
The portal also:
- maps the role of each party in the network
- mobilizes interaction between research managers, policy makers, researchers and research students
- provides a resource for STI and R&D strategy planning – who is involved & in what research.
Call for African Marine Researchers
To build the capacity of African institutions in monitoring and research on ocean acidification, we hereby share a call for participation by the OA-Africa network addressed to African marine researchers.

TReND in Africa online collaboration program

Join us at the collaborative platform JOGL
Let’s collaborate on AfricArXiv related projects and initiatives