We are glad to announce that 239 articles describing African languages have successfully been included into Lanfrica and can all be accessed at lanfrica.com/records?tag=africarxiv

The linked resources span the disciplines Social & Behavioural, Education, Arts & Humanity, and Architecture. Most articles are of linguistic-related content, providing insights into syntax, phonetics, phonology, and pragmatics of these languages. Also included are under-represented languages such as Krio (Sierra Leone), Chichewa (Malawi, Zambia), or Wan (Cote d’Ivoire). 

A total of 161 African languages are described by these articles that were submitted via AfricArXiv, of which 156 have one, two, three or four records, and the remaining five languages are covered in five, six, and seven scholarly records, namely Igbo (5), Limbum (5), Swahili (6), Somali (7).
Read about the Lanfrica database at lanfrica.com/blog/lanfrica-language-highlight/

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Screenshot of the Lanfrica selection for items tagged with ‘AfricArXiv


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